London Accountants

London’s top small business friendly boroughs announced

Thinking about setting up your own small business in London? In this digital day and age many think that physical location of a business may not be as important as it once has been. If you’reLondon Business operating online, you’re accessible from anywhere, right? However, ‘location location location’ of your business is still is a factor, even if you’re operating online.

But where do you plant your new business roots? The capital offers many different locations for a business starting out, you want affordable business property but at the same time it has to have its advantages. Recently announced at the Small Business Friendly Borough Awards are London’s top friendly boroughs for small business.

The London boroughs of Camden, Merton and Greenwich saw off competition from more than 20 entries, Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham. Brent and Ealing were also celebrating after picking up highly commended awards. You can check out the full run down and report over at the London Councils website

As well as choosing a location for your business, it’s equally important to make sure that the business foundations you first lay down, are the right ones. Getting the services of an accountant into your business from the start will help increase the chances of your business surviving, and to grow. An accountant will remove the hassle of dealing with HMRC, make sure you don’t miss tax deadlines (avoiding penalties) and ensure your business accounts are working efficiently.